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How long is long enough?

Well, this week there was one of those special moments! Continuing to learn something new ‘love my job’ delivering reflexology on the timetable during the school day.

With Functional Reflex Therapy and the delivery of reflexology I often talk about the importance of allowing time for the young people I work with, not only to gather the information I am providing through my touch, but also allow time to make sense of it, to process and respond.

I talk about the importance of never presuming we know what our client wants or what their needs are, and the importance to respect and meet individual needs. I was clearly reminded of this in a good way today….

In my therapy room there is often periods of silence and/or quietness, and/or stillness and time for me to hold space between techniques for my young clients and I generally thought I allowed ‘sufficient’ time. I know he loves the movement and the rhythm of the touch so……..how long is long enough?

What do we gain from taking a pause or holding a space as we move from one technique to another?

For me it allows time for information to be absorbed, processed, and responded to. I get the chance to observe as the deliverer of the touch and plan a way ahead and sometimes it offers the person who is receiving the touch time to communicate, to interact.

It differs for each person, and today after delivering some repetitive work on my young clients toes, which I know he loves…..I was reminded how individual it is.

I know he loves these techniques because he often sits motionless, he sometimes smiles, quietness descends from his chatter that often accompanies our session, as he may be repeating part of a television programme or reciting his timetable for the day. Often alongside enjoying balancing the hand and foot model from the FRT tool kit he will stare at his toes when he is aware of this particular technique, and after a little time/ holding space between the delivery I usually ask if he would like more.

Take time cartoon

Today following the usual procedure, I was clearly put in my place.

“More”? I asked, supported with a Makaton sign.

Wait! Came quite a sharp quick response; he bent his knees slightly and drew back his feet just a little.

What seemed like 6/8 seconds (or more) long enough for me to rest my hands in an open softened position either side of his feet so he could see I was OK with waiting, I took a slow breath in and issued no further questions and no requests, he replaced his feet, he placed his head back onto the Lafuma chair with one arm comfortably under his head.

Great that he was able to let me know, and I feel pleased that I offered him this option. Obviously today our usual wait or space was not sufficient. Small adaptations, being flexible, being respectful, offering time and offering a choice really helped the session to continue to move forward successfully.

I wonder what sensation did he feel?

What feeling was it that he had to allow to settle?

What was my touch communicating?

After 20 minutes of touch time and the usual countdown to bring the touch to and end, using the communication strip to show that reflexology had finished and to show what was going to happen next, tidying away putting the towel back into the FRT bag, popping the bag onto his back, he linked arms with me, and we enjoyed a quiet calm walk along the corridor back to his classroom.

It was good session, leaving the therapy room in a good frame of mind ready for the next activity it was good to be reminded of the importance of taking time and allowing time…..

Thank you to my young client in school today. I hope you had a wonderful rest of the day.

FRT Cartoon

I look forward to sharing lots of information in my book. It’s going to answer many of your questions but also ask you to consider lots that I hope will support you and your reflexology business. If you would like to know more, please pop over to dedicated page https://www.functionalreflextherapy.co.uk/frt-book leave your details for the updates and send your questions my way. I would love to hear from you.

Enjoying working with the very talented Catherine Marie creating a wonderful unique storyboard for the Functional Reflex Therapy Framework. See a little of her amazing work https://catherinemarieillustration.myportfolio.com