Functional Reflex Therapy – Guidelines for Good Practice
Functional Reflex Therapy is committed to best practice. Work will be regularly reviewed to continue to develop the services that are provided.
The purpose of this document
This guideline was developed to support effective and safe practice in the use of Functional Reflex Therapy for non reflexologists and the effective and safe practice in the use of the Functional Reflex Therapy Approach for Reflexologists with children and adults in the education system, residential care homes and at home with autism, autistic spectrum disorders, neurological impairment, learning difficulties and complex needs.
It gives a framework to ensure those people delivering where Functional Reflex Therapy or using the Functional Reflex Therapy approach will be appropriately qualified or received appropriate training and guidance and that the therapy is delivered in a safe and satisfactory manner, and also that it is appropriate to be used for that particular service user/client.
Everyone who attends a training course and workshop with Functional Reflex Therapy will be made aware of the good practice guide and encouraged to uphold the principles and standards expected by Functional Reflex Therapy.
Functional Reflex Therapy will keep a record of everyone who has attended training sessions and those who become members with the Functional Reflex Therapy Association will be kept updated on information and research and have direct links for advice.
Who does the guidance apply to?
The guidance applies to all non reflexologists that have undertaken training in the delivery of Functional reflex Therapy and all qualified reflexologists that have attended the two day training course to use the Functional Reflex Therapy Approach and to deliver Functional Reflex Therapy Workshops to parents, carers, siblings, keyworkers and the multi disciplinary staff in schools.
It is not intended to provide definitive professional guidance
All practitioners delivering Reflexology using the Functional Reflex Therapy Approach and delivering workshops for parents will abide by the
Code of Conduct for their profession. All such practitioners will follow these principles:-
- Have a commitment to maintaining and improving their knowledge and competence.
- To promote and safeguard the interests, safety and well being of their clients/patients.
- Work within their scope of practice.
It is the responsibility of individual Reflexologists to make sure they inform their insurance provider and they have adequate insurance cover to deliver workshops for parents, carers and staff and to work in the education system. AoR members will find Functional Reflex Therapy in the list provided by Alan Boswell.
Non reflexologists attending a training workshop do not receive a recognise qualification in Reflexology and must not use the title Reflexologist. They can deliver Functional Reflex Therapy respecting ongoing consent.
Appropriate communication is required for understanding, preparation and in order for the receiver to give consent and to make their choices known. Where Functional Reflex Therapy is delivered in a different culture or translated through an interpreter it is important to make sure adequate communication methods are in place and the giver and receiver are familiar with them.
Consent for receiving the therapy and choice
When working with children initial consent will be given by the parent or carer BUT consent is ongoing and in the moment, it is receiver led and therefore remains the decision of the child if they want the therapy.
The primary intention of the session is Relaxation. Qualified Reflexologists may use their specialist skills to provide skilful Reflexology techniques they judge to be beneficial and may work on issues highlighted through parent questionnaires
Respect and Consideration
It is important to value any rules, regulations and laws that may be applicable dependent on the area working. This may be regional or out of the UK. It is important the code of ethics for good practice is followed in any location working with different people and in different cultures.
Reflexologists using the Functional Reflex Therapy Approach in the education system will record sessions and these will remain the property of the school. Permission for use outside the school must be agreed by the school and the parent.
Supervision and Safeguarding
When working with children and vulnerable adults it is important that guidelines for clear session practice are introduced. Consent is given by parent/carer and by those receiving the sessions. Some areas of practice may require CRB checks which you may need to provide through each establishment that you work in.
Reflexologists will make sure sessions are well documented
Report/Feedback to staff and/or parents
It is important that a safe, caring environment is provided and you are respectful and aware where possible at all times of circumstances that may ‘trigger’ or have an effect on the dynamics’ of the session and or environment.
Health and Safety responsibilities
Children and Adults receiving this therapy may be using medication. It is important that Functional Reflex Therapy is not seen as a replacement for any medication. Prescribed medication must not be stopped. This relaxation treatment is complementary and works alongside medication and most conditions. There is no evidence available at this time ( 2013) that is known about by Functional Reflex Therapy that suggests against any condition receiving this relaxation therapy, other than illness and temperature where caution needs to be addressed and a decision will be made by the person giving the therapy. But it is essential that the giver is aware of any policies that are in place, appointed first aiders particularly in school and emergency procedures that is may be necessary to follow should medical help be required during the therapy session.
If reflexology equipment is to be used make sure it is appropriate for individuals and safe.
Responsibility and Commitment
Functional Reflex Therapy is committed to research and keeping all its members as informed as possible. The main aim of Functional Reflex Therapy is to share the values of Functional Reflex Therapy with children, adults and the mutli-disciplinary staff and bring more information about Reflexology to the general public.
Anyone working with Reflexology and under the Functional Reflex Therapy Association will never claim to cure, diagnose or prescribe and are encouraged to work within their area of expertise.