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Rainbow Relaxation Routine for Parents and Carers

Workshops for Parents & Family Members

Are you a parent, grandparent, older sibling or primary carer looking to learn relaxation skills?

The Functional Reflex Therapy Rainbow Relaxation Routine is shared through fun, informative, practical workshops led by a qualified FRT Reflexologist in your local area.

If you have an interest to learn this lovely positive touch routine and you’re looking to incorporate relaxation into your lifestyle at home the FRT workshop is for you.

Relaxation quote

What will I learn?
  • A little information about Reflexology and Functional Reflex Therapy
  • The many benefits of using the positive touch relaxation routine
  • Practical skills to deliver the hand routine and the routine for the feet
  • How to develop a useful tool kit to support your relaxation time and help with communication for the receiver if it is appropriate.
How do I learn?
  • Workshops for hands and feet are usually held over consecutive days or over consecutive weeks with two 2½ hrs sessions, but timings may vary depending on the numbers attending the workshop.
  • If you prefer the hand only or the foot only routine talk to your local FRT Reflexologist, workshops can be tailored to meet your needs.
  • Visit the find a therapist page for a qualified FRT Reflexologist running workshops near to you for dates, venues and costs.
  • Your local FRT Reflexologist may offer a local venue or a workshop in the comfort of your own home.

FRT Relaxation Statement

FRT Rainbow Workshop

FRT Relaxation Workshops

Please note that by attending the FRT workshop you will learn how to apply the relaxation routine demonstrated and guided by a qualified FRT Reflexologist for the benefit of you and your family.

Attending the training does not give you permission to use this routine in the workplace. This is to be used in the comfort of your own home. Further training is required to deliver this in a professional environment. Chat with your local FRT Reflexologist or contact FRT for more details.

See if there is an FRT therapist in your area here or contact Lorraine on 01371 875372 or by email for details.

FRT Client Testimonial

“Learning a new activity to try at home with my son, brill sessions, informative and fun, thank you.”

Parent June 2014

FRT Client Testimonial

“I like the idea of developing the tool kit with my son. I think it will help us both to prepare for the lovely session”

Parent June 2014

FRT Client Testimonial

“The exchange of information in the group setting and learning the techniques to do with my family”

Parent Oct 2014