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Some feedback from reflexologist 2 day training courses

Some feedback from reflexologist 2 day training courses

“Thank you for a lovely weekend. Very inspirational
Kathleen from Cambridge Sept 2014

“Very enjoyable 2 days – lots of valuable content to go away with- both practical and written also good to have time to discuss ideas” Christine from West Sussex February 2014

“The training days have given me the confidence to prepare to approach to schools and residential homes” Sue from Scotland April 2014

“Very motivating – reinforced and added to my existing knowledge” Janet from Liverpool Feb 2014

“Folder and course presentation was very professional. Very informative, thorough and it has given me much more confidence in how to approach my up and coming study in a local school. Thank you very much” Debbie from The Wirral May 2014

“Learning the relaxation technique on both hands and feet have been most valuable. I appreciate the clear teaching and explanations which I feel I could pass on.” Hilary from Gloucester Sept 2014