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My book……The Functional Reflex Therapy Framework

It’s book time and I’ve been giving a lot of thought to finding the right focus

I cannot emphasize how much your reflexology therapy delivered with the Functional Reflex Therapy Framework can support the wellbeing of children and adults with additional and complex needs and their families. And how fabulous the feeling is with immense personal satisfaction and self-fulfilment.

FRT Book Storyboard

It is over ten years since I introduced reflexology as an individual therapy on the timetable during the school day, supporting emotional wellbeing and encouraging those coming along to the therapy room to be in a good frame of mind, which may help them to cope better and focus on activities and learning when they return to the classroom.

The FRT Framework is not just for schools! I am thrilled reflexologists are using it and combining it with their reflexology experience to support their therapy in a variety of environments.

I am frequently asked questions by reflexologists looking to build on their confidence and develop their business in this wonderful field that start with…

How can I……..
How would you suggest…….
Do you have any tips for……
What advice would you give….
What would you do if……….
What does ….x …..mean and how would you……
Have you supported young people with…x…. how did you…….
How long do I……
How much do I…..
Many many more……. and all so valuable and important, the questions and answers need to be available for everyone. 

So, what to do?

How can I provide a resource to answer your questions and provide supportive information for your business?

I have been thinking about this for a few years, encouraged by reflexologists and I have been talking about it a little for over 12 months and doing a lot of thinking, this is certainly not an easy process!  Well certainly not for me….no rude comments there please lol!

But I can say this summer is truly the right time to put pen to paper and answer your questions as best I can, and create the FRT book

There, I’ve said it now! So, I had better get working 😊 

My book (with its current working title)

The Functional Reflex Therapy Framework supporting your reflexology for children and adults with additional and complex needs.

I have many questions from last year’s survey, (how time flies) along with many more that I have received since then. Thank you everyone. If you have yet to send your question in please do, I wonder what would be helpful for you?

If you could ask me one question that you would like addressed in the book, what would it be?

I have a dedicated book page on my website with a few short videos https://www.functionalreflextherapy.co.uk/frt-book.html
If you visit for a read and a listen, please do leave your details at the bottom of the book page, do email me to say hi and where you are from and why you have an interest to know more. I’d love to hear from you. It may take me a few days to reply, but I will do!

I would like the book to answer as many of your questions as possible by drawing on the lessons I have learned and strategies I have harvested during my career as a classroom teacher for over 20 years, and as a reflexologist for over 13 years to evoke discussion and growth mindset.

I might even set you a few tasks within the book to challenge yourself and get you to work out different strategies that may best support you and your clients.

I would like you to feel you can use the Functional Reflex Therapy R E C I P E and add it and blend it with your reflexology experience, so that you feel more comfortable and confident and look to new pathways to develop your business.

Let me ask you……How do you feel about a workbook?

Thank you everyone, I look forward to receiving your questions and sending out my updates very soon.

In the meantime, get writing Lorraine!

Lorraine Senior Book Graphic