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International Therapies in Education Conference

International Therapies in Education Conference

FRT at the 2nd International Therapies in Education Conference

Ysgol Pen Coch workOn October 21st 2016 I was invited to support the 2nd International Therapies in Education Conference exhibiting, delivering information and sharing the many benefits of the Functional Reflex Therapy rainbow relaxation routine in the classroom.

Ysgol Pen Coch can be found in Flint North Wales it overlooks Flint Castle and the Dee Estuary sharing a site with Ysgol Gwynedd a large mainstream School.

A beautiful welcome with the joint artwork project as you enter the school.

The conference brought Functional Reflex Therapy together with Lego Therapy, Therapeutic Play, Vibro Accoustic Therapy, Indian Head Massage, Sherbourne Therapy, DIR – Model of Autism Support, Mindfulness meditation/Cosmic Yoga, Rebound, Neuro Feedback, Therapeutic Music, Reflexology, Story Massage, TACPAC, Hocus Pocus and Hydrotherapy.

FRT rainbow exhibit at Ysgol Pen CochDelegates came from many area North Wales, North West South Wales and the Midlands and the day started with a Welcome from Ange Anderson the headteacher and an Introduction from Eddie Anderson the founder of Rebound Therapy.

I had the opportunity to meet and talk to so many people and amazingly find out just how small our world is with stories and links that I couldn’t have imagined possible, what a super day. After two years of occasional emails I met with Lianne the Reflexologist that already offers great therapy sessions within the school and we could talk and share ideas which was super I am sure we will continue to develop our links.

I was treated to… A lovely welsh cake on my arrival couldn’t travel all that way without sampling local delights it would be rude not to!! diolch yn fawr (just like my grandma used to make… not quite the same amazing recipe tho).

Fortunately for me the 220mile return trip on a Friday evening the start of the half term holiday was surprisingly hassle free unlike those travelling in the opposite direction where there just seemed to be a very slow; sometimes stationary queue attempting to travel North, I do hope everyone had a safe journey and did arrive at their destination before morning… yes it was that bad!

If you would like to know more about the school do visit their website www.ysgolpencoch.org