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FRT Rainbow Relaxation Programme for Schools

FRT- bringing rainbows and relaxation into the classroom.

One of the many pathways for Functional Reflex Therapy is the FRT Rainbow Relaxation Programme for Schools, which is currently delivered only by me, as founder of FRT.

FRT Rainbow Relaxation Programme for Schools

The idea for this support is to share the many benefits of the positive touch, structured relaxation routine with teachers and learning support assistants, accessing as many children as possible using a combination of flowing techniques drawn from the complementary therapy of reflexology.

My work in school gives me the opportunity to highlight the value that a qualified FRT reflexologist can bring to the school and the support the reflexologist can offer parents, carers and family members with rainbow relaxation workshops. I feel proud to be able to provide headteachers with information and contact details where possible, for local reflexologists that are members of the FRT network and who use the FRT Framework to deliver reflexology sessions.

I have just returned from a week in Northern Ireland, my third visit in 3 years to work with staff in 5 different special schools. Thank you again to Rathore School for hosting the two-day training bringing so many staff together.

This time I took the opportunity to visit all the schools that are involved with the FRT project, to meet head teachers, to sit in with some beautiful sessions in the classroom encouraging staff with using the movements and discuss the ongoing development of the programme and how FRT can further support schools.

I have to say what a privilege it is to be working with the schools and thank you to the headteachers and senior management that somehow found time to welcome me, put the kettle on and talk about the many benefits of FRT for the wellbeing of children and their staff.

A few words from headteachers.

Sperrinview Special School Dungannon
Staff are returning from training feeling empowered and showing a passion with more strategies to support the young people in their classrooms. (2019)

Ceara School Lurgan
A valuable tool for staff for PMLD and EBD pupils, calming and building trust. Good for sensory needs for ASD pupils helping them with their readiness to learn. (2019)

Donard Special School Banbridge
The School recognises FRT as integral to our school programme. Enhancing staff capacity to respond effectively to the wide range of complex needs within our school. (2019)

A few words from staff

– providing valuable feedback for my delivery of the training and reassuring me of the many benefits of doing what I am doing, and the way I am doing it.

 “Lorraine was so informative and so beautiful to listen to! Quickly brought us to a relaxed state in which we could absorb the information. Such an interesting 2 days, very informative and practical activities were excellent.”

 “Learning the rainbow routine and how to adapt and deliver in our classroom, also being delivered by someone who understands our children. Thank you.”

“Practising on each other and thinking about how I can use this to benefit the pupils.”

 “Relating the Functional Reflex Therapy rainbow routine to a story, had such fun working with the group and for our pupils including possible individual and classroom targets.”

“I found all the parts of the training beneficial. Great training days.”

Thank you to Caroline, the principal at Rathore School for bringing all the information together rather beautifully in this short video.
