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From little acorns

Starting as a derelict shed which used to house chickens a few years ago, just one person’s amazing vision, energy and enthusiasm has been inspirational and brought a beautiful restorative, calming space to St Mulumba Special School in Choma. This inspirational school now have their very own treatment room called the 3 R’s for the children (and maybe staff) to relax and unwind. The 3 R’s the Rainbow Relaxation Room.

Functional Reflex Therapy is feeling so proud to be involved (in a tiny way), with this amazing project along with the staff and students at St Mulumba.  I am humbled by their enthusiasm and inspired by their energy, to achieve so much with so little. What a positive difference it will make to all of the children.

It’s great to see some of FRT’s suggestions and ideas have now been developed to make them work for St Mulumba, it’s very emotional to see how much progress they have made since our visit.

Some of the FRT Global Project fundraising allowed us to support the therapy room with a little kwacha for the purchasing of equipment and paint. Our visit gave us the opportunity to hand deliver thin net curtains, the beautiful rainbow windchime, and the changing rainbow light that is now attached to the wall (this can now be used because of the newly installed electric link). 

The 3 R’s room also has small holed gauze over the air holes outside, to help continued air flow during the three tropical seasons and deter those unwanted creepy crawly visitors.

The team at FRT think the therapy room looks very welcoming and we look forward to hearing more, as the 3 R’s room becomes well used. 

Pleae view images by clicking thumbnails to enlarge and also view the video below.