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Excellence Award Winner 2016

The AoR Innovation in Reflexology Award 2016

I received a wonderful totally unexpected email in May from the Association of Reflexologists informing me that I was to receive something special for the developing work of FRT in Reflexology.

The email read…

Around 5000 members were invited to vote in these awards (affectionately called “The Footsies”) and we are delighted to announce that members have voted for you to be the winner of The AoR Innovation in Reflexology Award 2016.

This award is aimed at individuals who develop and raise awareness of reflexology and/or pioneer the use of reflexology in non-conventional settings which ultimately help to raise awareness of reflexology both locally and nationally.

AoR Excellence Award Winner 2016I am thrilled that I am able to share my work and offer a little support to Reflexologists, to parents and carers and now to be developing the rainbow programme for schools and sharing FRT in the education system is such a privilege. It is still very new and very much in development, lots of exciting and important work, study, research and sharing to be done! All feedback is valuable, much appreciated and gratefully received.

The FRT Network has members from many Reflexology associations and organisations it is great we can all come together to support each other in our business development wherever therapists have a passion to develop Reflexology using the FRT Approach. So I am just sharing this news as I am so chuffed! And I wish to say thank you to all the AoR members who thought FRT worthy of their vote.

I do feel very proud and look forward to the official presentation later in the year.

The Association of Reflexologists is the foremost aspirational and independent Professional Reflexology Association in the UK since 1984, providing benefits, advice and guidance to reflexologists and working with other external bodies and advisory groups to promote the highest standards in the profession. The Association of Reflexologists is not for profit and is the only UK reflexology membership organisation that are members of both RiEN ( Reflexology in Europe Network) and the Reflexology Forum and also the CNHC ( Complementary and Natural HealthCare Council) and has representation at the Parliamentary Group for Integrated and Complementary Healthcare (PGICH). The AoR and its members are regularly contacted by the press to speak on reflexology.

If you are interested to know more about the AoR please do visit their website www.aor.org.uk
