European Recognition for FRT
FRT just sharing my delight and saying thank you:-
Reflexology in Europe Network represents over 20,000 reflexologists in 20 countries across Europe. RiEN is a developing professional body for Reflexology organisations within Europe who wish to come together to share and develop the profession to common standards.
In May RiEN held their annual conference this year Madeira what a privilege to be mentioned as FRT was recognised by Spiros Dimitrakoulas the chair person as inspirational.
You may be interested to check out the developing work of RiEN or on Facebook
May 3rd 2014
Ohhh those Brits!!!
Some times they really get on my nerves with all these inspirational great stories.
(Just kidding – We really look up to our worthy British colleagues!)
Great work Lorraine Senior B.Ed (Hons) MAR (INSPIRATIONAL!)